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on the Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Moving into a retirement village or community doesn’t mean you can no longer stay active. Many retirement villages throughout Australia offer an abundance of ways for you to stay fit, healthy and social. We’ve compiled a list of the 10 most popular activities in retirement communities.
Bocce is a game that has been around for centuries in Europe. The game begins with eight large balls and one smaller ball – called a pallina. The pallina is thrown into the long, rectangular court. Each team must then attempt to get their four balls as close to the pallina as possible. Bocce is a great game as it’s simple and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.
Mah Jongg
This is another classic game (originating in China) that has been popular for a long time. The game is almost a form of rummy that uses tiles instead of cards. Mah Jongg is a unique game that requires great team work between the players instead of competition. It’s a great way to meet new friends!
Almost every retirement community in Australia will have a billiard table or two – usually found in the community centre or recreational area. It’s a game that a lot of people are familiar with so you can enjoy casually with friends or even join a league.
Yoga is almost as old as civilisation itself, beginning in India in the 5th Century B.C. Yoga has regained popularity in recent years. It incorporates stretching, breathing techniques, some strength training and meditation. It’s a great, low-impact way to keep fit and is also great for relaxation. It can accommodate all body types and fitness abilities.
Golf is probably top on the list of sports that retirees love to play. Many retirement communities have their own golf course or are located within close proximity to one. Playing a round or two of golf every week with friends can help you stay socially active while improving your muscle tone and helping to promote weight loss.
Holiday Parties and Events
Holiday-themed parties and events are a staple part of social life at many retirement villages in Australia. It gives residents a chance to catch up with friends and meet new neighbours. If you’re away from family during Christmas, Easter and other major holidays, these events will make sure you’re in good company.
Woodworking & Men’s Sheds
Woodworking is a popular hobby among many Australian retirees. In many ways, it helps keep the mind sharp while also giving the satisfaction of producing a beautiful product. Many large retirement communities have their own woodworking shop or Men’s Shed on-site.
Book Clubs
Book clubs are a great way to get through that ‘to-read’ list that’s been sitting on a shelf for months. Weekly gatherings are also perfect for meeting new friends, learning something new and of course, getting lost in a good book.
Arts & Crafts
The act of creating a piece of art has become so popular that many retirement villages have designated arts and craft studios for residents to make good use of. It’s a great creative outlet and the grandchildren are sure to love all the handmade gifts!
Walking Groups
Walking Groups provides residents of retirement communities with a great way to stay active and meet new friends. Groups often meet a couple of times a week and enjoy beautiful walks through the community.
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